Tue. May 14th, 2024

Constipation is a common digestive disorder. It occurs when the normal movement of waste from the bowels is disrupted. This condition can be very uncomfortable and lead to health problems if left untreated. It’s also common in children, seniors and the elderly. Furthermore, people who eat a low-fiber diet (by choice or by necessity) are at an increased risk for constipation. There are many natural and artificial ways to treat constipation. However, simple lifestyle changes are the easiest method for most people.

Causes of Constipation

The main cause of constipation is a lack of movement in the intestinal area. This movement is called motility; there are several motility disorders that can lead to constipation. One common type of motility disorder is inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). IBD causes damage to sections of the large intestine, which impairs normal bowel movements.

  • Other causes of slow bowel movements include chronic infections, radiation treatments and certain prescription medications.
  • Even aging can lead to sluggish bowels due to decreased movement or improper functioning of the intestines.
  • There are also physical conditions that lead to constipation, such as paralysis or spinal cord injuries. Once a person has poor motility, nothing but medication will bring relief.

Remedies to Constipation


Medication is the most common treatment for constipation due to its effectiveness and accessibility. Osmotic laxatives constipation are the most common type of medication for constipation due to their ease of use and how well they work. These laxatives contain ingredients that increase water intake by the body. This increases the number of softened stools that can be passed through the bowels effectively.

Other types of laxatives work by stimulating peristalsis – a movement of food along the intestines – or by acting as a strainer over the intestines to catch larger particles.

Lifestyle Changes

Simple lifestyle changes are one of the best ways to treat constipation issues without medication or surgery.

      • Having a proper diet increases effective digestion and prevents constipation in healthy individuals.
      • Fruits and vegetables have bulkier contents that need more time to move through the digestive tract easily.
      • Whole grains serve as good dietary sources of dietary constipationfiber as well as magnesium, which promotes healthy bowel movements.
      • Water helps keep things clean and moist throughout the GI tract, which prevents accumulation of bacteria and dead skin cells in the intestines.
      • A well-balanced diet along with exercise keeps everyone hydrated properly so they don’t get dehydrated from insufficient bowel movements.

Constipation can be hard to treat without medication or surgeries such as colonoscopies. However, simple lifestyle changes work well enough for most people as it prevents future issues from occurring. Individuals with poor motility should follow a balanced diet with plenty of water and exercise to prevent future issues from occurring. Regular doctor check-ups help with any issues people experience so treatments can be administered when necessary.

By Duncan

Duncan, a licensed and registered dietitian (RD), offers tailored nutrition services for optimal health. With a degree in Foods Nutrition and Dietetics, 13 years of experience, and trusted expertise, he helps clients through his Nutrition Diet Facts platform.

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